Everlasting Plants: The U.S. National Arboretum Herbarium

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George Chacon

George Chacon

Locality Info

Would some of the info about the habitat be entered into Locality or under Habitat? i.e. "at about 1000 ft. hill south of river at south end of BAHIA BUEN SUCESO overlooking thr Bahia."

Is this correct (I'm curious about the sublevels and Locality): 

Country - Argentina

Country Sublevel 1 - Tierra del Fuego

Country sublevel 2 - Mitre Peninsula of Isla Grande

Locality - Bahia Buen Suceso

  • Harlan Svoboda

    Harlan Svoboda

    It can sometimes be difficult to parse out which components go under Locality and which parts go with Habitat, especially when they are combined into one sentence/paragraph.

    In your above example, here is where I would input the information:

    • Country: Chile
    • Country sublevel 1: Tierra del Fuego
    • Locality: Bahia Buen Suceso, Mitre Peninsula of Isla Grande, hill south of river at south end of Bahia Buen Suceso overlooking the Bahia
    • Habitat: Open, windy, south-facing summit slopes | very wet, spongy, peaty, "mossy" substrate
    • Elevation: 1000 | feet

    Note that I left Country sublevel 2 blank because there is no organizational heirarchy represented here (e.g., compare to: United States, Maryland, Prince George's County). If there is no official administrative division listed, put everything below state/province/etc. into the Locality field and leave sublevel 2 blank.